Why adebate?Because”greatbrand ideas create debate.Just do it! Well can you? Dirt is good! So why are you wrapping your kids in cotton wool? Campaign for Real Beauty! So aren’t you beautiful the way you are?”The Healthy Brand Company. So why isn’t yours?
I sourced this definition six years ago from Phil Teer on adliterate.com before social media really blossomed, some foresight if we think about how contagious any ideas are now! So when I decided to create The Healthy Brand Company, I thought it was a great idea to combine my two passions – branding and living a healthy lifestyle – and a great brand idea to discuss and debate what makes a healthy brand company.
So many companies talk about the benefits of looking after their people and their brands. Yet people are increasingly worked to the bone. And marketing budgets still seem to be on the top of the chop list, especially ‘brand’. The truth is that implemented effectively, brand drives everything a company is, says and does. And involving people in implementing it effectively – whether they’re customer service, finance, production or the marketing team themselves – only serves to strengthen the impact of your brand and commitment of your people. I struggle to find the antithesis to the argument.
So I’m opening it to debate. People and brands are two of a company’s most valuable assets. So taking a healthy approach in motivating your people to create and activate healthy brands will achieve healthier results. Prove. Disprove.
We’d love to hear what you think.You don’t have to be an expert in branding or HR or anything really. Do you work for a healthy brand company? Do you buy from one? Do you wish you did? Why don’t you? Why isn’t yours? And what makes it healthy or not?
Over the coming months, we’ll be collecting this information so we can continue to evolve our thinking and drive the healthy agenda through achieving healthier outcomes for people, brands and business – in everything we are, say and do. If you’d like to offer your brand or company as a case study, we’d be delighted to talk to you about it.
Follow us on twitter, facebook and blog, sign up for our newsletter updates or request to join our health and wellbeing community to stay in the loop.
And if you’re interesting in finding out more on how we could help your company and brand, please contact us via the website – we’d love to hear from you.
Yours in great health,